10 Self Care Activities for Moms

Why do we not practice self care anymore? I have been so stressed out lately and it has reminded me just how important is is to have "me time". I know it sounds super selfish to a lot of moms but the Good Lord knows that we really really need it! I usually am lucky enough to dedicate 30 minutes of me time a day! YES DAILY! I mean there are days here and there where i don't get that me time i need but that's just the reality of motherhood. Let me tell you beautiful mommies out there that i look forward to these thirty minutes every day so much! and i take advantage of moments when i can take them! I've developed a short list of simple ideas that we as moms or anyone in general can take! So lets dig in this list shall we? Lets start off with my personal favorite...


This first one is my personal favorite because its just so much fun to decorate it, with all the cute stickers and organize my life in a cute, crafty, relaxing way! Ever since i purchased mine three short months ago all i can say is i'm OBSESSED!

2. Pull Up A Chair and Sit Outside!

This one sounds super silly but its the most relaxing thing you can do! Depending on if you love mother nature or not! Just sitting outside and enjoying Gods creation can be one of the most humbling and relaxing things out there! Grab a friend and sip on some tea cause trust me its amazing!

3. Color or Craft Things

I know that this whole adult coloring thing has gotten  way out of hand, and maybe some of you things its just childish and silly, but i'm here to tell you TRY IT! It is so relaxing, or heck even paint or do a DIY craft, scrap booking, sticker making, you name it. It is so relaxing and really helps you to just escape from all the drama and craziness from the kids.

4. Go For a Walk/Exercise. 

Believe it or not going for a walk or taking a quick crunch and plank break can be pretty relaxing. Get all that frustration and anger out on those workouts girl! you deserve that rockin bod if you want it. Personally my bod is not that rocking after baby and a cesarean surgery, along with all the food i consume but walks are fun!

5. Paint Your Nails.

OK now i know this one might not be for everyone but if it is for you..GIRL what are you waiting for? Pull out that polish and get to painting there's something just so relaxing in knowing that your doing something to better yourself. Plus, you will look super cute after.

6.  Watch a TV show.

I know we are all guilty of watching a show here and there with our babies around then we get too into it we have to run to catch them am i right? Or you could be one of those moms that has that 3-10 year old that just doesn't want to stop talking and you miss the whole program. Just ask your husband, bf, mom, sister, cousin, to watch your kids for 30 min and turn on that favorite program!! It feels amazing to actually watch a show and know whats going on. Although, maybe this one might just be for moms who have older kids because i been on the same Gilmore girls episode for two weeks! lol.


If you live in the hot desert like me this might just actually be something fun to do. The cool thing about this one is you can drag the kids along! Who doesn't love to swim? Disclaimer: If you have little ones this can be super fun, or a nightmare form hell..Just Saying.

8.Get a Massage!!

 This one will be amazing. I promise. When you young one is napping, or your older one is away. Grab your husband or significant other and take advantage! It feels so good and you do a lot mom! you deserve this!


I'm not saying go shop til you drop or spend your whole savings, but go buy something momma!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself to a pair of earrings, some planner stickers, or a ice cream cone!

10. Read the Bible/ A Book

Last but most certainly not least! Read the bible!! There is nothing more amazing and awesome than getting some alone time with Jesus, you might just read what you've been needing to hear for a long time. Or if you don't read the bible, dig into your favorite book. for some reason every time i read a book its like i can escape into the pages and live in what i'm reading.

I hope you found these Self Care activities fun and useful and lave me a comment if you decide to try some. I know you wont be able to try all of things but if you find one you like stick to it and enjoy it. God Bless you all and thanks for sticking to the end of this blog. I hope you have a blessed day.


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